Apr 11Liked by Joel Mathis

I share your slight sympathy for some pro-lifers, but I suspect that I may think Ross is even more wrong and hypocritical than you do.

I may have missed something in the news, but I don't think I have seen a scintilla of evidence of the current Republican party even "promising protection and support for women in their most vulnerable state", let alone actually providing any.

Ross isn't ignoring the fact that we don't believe that; he knows it's not true and he's trying to gaslight us.

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Apr 10Liked by Joel Mathis

I don’t think Ross is wrong, but it is the teeniest, tiniest part of the problem with the ant-choice “victory.” I mean, a lot of people see Trump as an amoral bastard. But a non-insignificant part of the base view him as the Second Coming. No, really.

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Apr 10Liked by Joel Mathis

Your footnote makes perhaps the most salient point of all.

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