Feb 29Liked by Joel Mathis

Minor beef. McConnell loves power more than his party or (perhaps) his marriage. Elaine’s a die-hard Republican, after all. He was so determined to remain the longest-tenured leader in history that he trashed his beloved Senate’s ability to wield its authority in the process. A monkey’s paw might have been involved.

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It took me three times to finally get through Robinson's "Gilead," and I'm grateful for those previous, failed efforts. It's beauty is primarily found--or at least so I thought--in its intense, close, weighty, perfect identification between the words of the story and the story being told, between the saying and the said. The character of John Ames speaks through Robinson's words on the page in a way that I've never experienced before with any other novel (and which Robinson herself wasn't, I think, fully able to recreate in "Home"); you can feel his faith, his sorrow, his confusion, and his commitment like they're right beside you, even like they're right within you. An incredible book.

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