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Yes. I can’t bring myself to read the New Yorker piece; I think I can guess what it says, and I don’t think there’s much about RFK Jr. that I don’t already know. He was irritating me before the Trump era.

And yes, it’s an open question as to whether the media coverage will be good for his numbers or not. Pundits I listen to think it won’t be, but as you suggest, it didn’t work out that way with DJT.

The dope I’ve heard is that his anti-vax flapdoodle mostly plays well with the right, and more visibility for him will shrink his numbers among Dems. But it ought to be remembered that anti-vax thinking pre-Covid clustered on the liberal side. Even 20% for RFK in a primary is a lot of anti-vax tolerance for Dems; maybe the number is more anti-Biden than anti-vax, but who knows?

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